Nutrient density starts with the soil. Nourish the soil 食物 web by creating fertility 从浪费.

Sketch of the Life Cycle of 堆肥 

堆肥 Ingredients

Nitrogen Materials (N): coffee/tea grounds • 食物 scraps • fresh grass clippings • hair • manure • weeds

Carbon Materials (C): cotton rags • dryer lint • leaves • newspaper • paper products • sawdust • straw •木屑


small bucket or container with a lid • pitchfork/shovel
可选: tarp or infrastructure for collection area • comfrey leaves


  1. Designate a compost area in your yard that can store at least 3 cubic feet of material.
  2. Collect nitrogen materials. A small bucket or container with a lid works well for 食物 scraps.
  3. Add scraps to compost area and cover with carbon materials. 按重量计算, the ideal C:N ratio is about 30:1. 的体积, we recommend starting with equal amounts of C:N, and adjust as you see how the pile 响应. For instance, an armload of dried leaves might offer the same amount of carbon as a handful of sawdust.
  4. 包括桩 with a tarp to keep out animals and prevent rain from rinsing out nitrogen.
  5. 重复步骤2-4 till the pile is about 3 feet in length/width/height. If available, periodically mix in comfrey leaves. Add water to keep up moisture levels, keeping the pile like a damp sponge. Once the pile is the desired size, stop adding new materials.
  6. 把堆翻过来 on a periodic basis to suit your schedule. Ensure the inner core of the pile exchanges places with the outside of the pile during each turning.

Time to Completion and Turning Rates

Turn every other day for 18 days.

Turn initially and at 90/180 days.

Rest pile, no turning.

Using 完成了堆肥

Bring life to inert soils by spreading ¼ inch of finished compost. 或者厚涂 as a topdressing in garden production areas. Thank you for restoring vitality to our 生命世界.

堆肥 restores structure and nutrients to the soil, increases the ability of plants to absorb minerals, and boosts biodiversity among beneficial bacteria, fungi, and microfauna in the garden.

At Washington College, students can compost 食物 scraps as part of our commitment 零浪费. We support the student-led 堆肥俱乐部 that manages a compost collection area at the campus garden and trains community members in different methods of composting. We’re working to increase organics recycling access on campus and promote composting in the region. 

污垢! 这部电影
Empowering documentary about the importance of soil. (2009)

The Biggest Little Farm
Inspiring documentary about healing land to grow 食物 and raise consciousness about 生命过程. (2019)

浪费了! The Story of 食物 Waste
A cheerful documentary about how one third of all 食物 grown for human consumption is discarded each year. (2017)

Worms Eat My Garbage How to establish home vermicomposting. Mary Appelhof (1982)

A story of how one family looked to nature to restore the landscape with animals. Gabe Brown (2018).

The Rodale Book of 堆肥
Guide for gardeners and home practitioners. Edited by Grace Gershuny (2018)

Community-Scale 堆肥 Systems
A reference for setting up composting programs and infrastructure for organizations. James McSweeney (2019)

The Humanure Handbook
A deep dive into the biology of human waste and how to set up sanitary systems. 约瑟夫 詹金斯(2019)

污垢: The Erosion of Civilizations
The story of human progress and decline in relation to soil health. David R. 蒙哥马利 (2012)

Holistic Management
The book that launched an international revival in regenerative agriculture. 艾伦 好吃的(1999)

Finished compost is rich with life and bioavailable nutrients for plants to turn into 食物.Finished compost is rich with life and bioavailable nutrients for plants to turn into 食物.
A salvaged bucket fits inside a kitchen drawer or cabinet for easy 食物 scrap collection.A salvaged bucket fits inside a kitchen drawer or cabinet for easy 食物 scrap collection.

土壤周期The soil 食物 web is a constant cycle of decompositon and reanimation.