Advising 101

九州娱乐官网的整个学习过程中,他们得到了 导师们,学生们将为自己定义当前和未来的成功,并建立 responsibility and self-efficacy.

The Advising Program    

学生的参与对文科教育的成功至关重要. 那 为什么学生要在指导老师的帮助和指导下设计 学术课程最适合他们的个人兴趣和才能. 帮助 在制定课程时,九州娱乐官网制定了一套有关的指导方针 其通识教育和分配要求,其目的是确保 a broad intellectual foundation in the arts and sciences. Explore how to engage your advisor here.     

Advising Assignments

Who is my advisor?

  • You can find your current advisor on Self Service, choose the Plan & Schedule screen, and then ‘Advising’. You can see who your advisor is and even send them notes.

When should I see my advisor?

  • All the time! Your advisor is part of your support system in college. 他们有一个 关于政策和需求的大量知识,以及谁可以在这方面提供帮助 any situation. 顾问会支持你,支持你,帮助你成长! 你与他们见面或交流的频率会根据学期而变化, and your personal needs, questions, and preferences. But we think- the more, the better- our advisors are awesome!


  • 夏季顾问建议你在WC第一学期之前的夏天. 他们是一个 教员,尤指系内或与本专业密切相关领域的教员 you indicated you were interested in exploring. They work with you to review the course 选择工作表,了解你的兴趣,并帮助你设计你的第一学期 course schedule.
  • 第一年的顾问通常是根据你注册的FYS部分分配的. 他们可能是教职员工的顾问,但他们会在那里指导你完成你的学业 帮助你设计一条通往你的目标的道路. 在大多数情况下,学生们会和导师呆在一起,直到他们选择了一个较晚的专业 freshman/early sophomore year.
  • 专业顾问被指定为你申报专业的系主任 in. 该顾问将与你合作,以确保你在轨道上完成 少校,在你感兴趣的领域积累经验,同时仍然追求自由 arts education and learning about many different subjects. Your major advisor will always be a faculty member in the department of your major.



How to Prepare for Advising

First meeting with your advisor?

  • 理解建议的目的:支持学生完成学业; career, and personal success. Advisors can provide guidance on policies, curriculum, and campus resources.
  • Think about what you want out of an advising relationship. What has been helpful to you in the past? 你希望从与辅导员的互动中得到什么? t每一个ers, advisors, and others that would be helpful?
  • 想想你的导师应该了解你什么——你的目标,你的优势,你的 challenges, your passions.
  • Consider what you need to know. 你 have questions about distributions? 你 have questions about career paths with a certain major? Did your roommate tell you 他们从一个队友那里听说了一项政策,你想知道这是不是真的?
  • 要积极主动——不要害怕伸出手去安排约会或拜访他们的朋友 办公室. 导师试图满足许多不同学生的需求,但你可以 have questions earlier and that’s great, so r每一个 out!

Meeting to discuss academic challenges?

  • Think about what type of problem(s) you are having. Is it difficulty of course material, 时间管理,两者都有,或者是其他阻碍你成功的东西?
  • 过去有没有什么策略帮助你克服了学业上的挑战?
  • Are you getting enough sleep? Lack of sleep can lead to difficulty concentrating and memory problems.
  • 提前思考这些问题将帮助你准备好决定什么 校园资源可以最好地帮助你应对你所面临的学术挑战. 一些 校园资源的例子是辅导,研讨会,调整你的日常安排 and other approaches to tackling academic challenges. 

Meeting to discuss choosing or changing a major?

  • Think about your long-term educational and career goals. What major(s)/ minor(s) can help you r每一个 your goals? Are there any cocurricular/ experiential learning opportunities that can assist in accomplishing your goals.
  • Review the Major/ Minor Requirement sheet.
  • Think about the kind of work you most enjoy. 你 like to read and interpret texts? 你 want to work with visual materials? 你 like to solve quantitative problems? 你 enjoy lab work? 你 want to invent or create? 你 like to learn languages? 你会在不同的专业做不同的工作——你想怎么花 你的时间?
  • 一旦你缩小了你正在考虑的专业范围,看看 the requirements for 每一个 major/ minor. Try to map out a possible plan of study for 每一个. Be prepared to discuss your options with your advisor. Be ready to talk about some of the following questions. Which major/minor appeals to you most? How much time would this major/ minor take to complete. Does this hinder your ability to pursue 另一个机会,比如出国留学或其他大学项目?

Meeting to discuss course selection?

  • Think about your long-term educational and career goals. What major(s)/ minor(s) can help you r每一个 your goals? Are there any cocurricular/ experiential learning opportunities that can assist in accomplishing your goals.
  • Review the Major/ Minor Requirement sheet.
  • Think about the kind of work you most enjoy. 你 like to read and interpret texts? 你 want to work with visual materials? 你 like to solve quantitative problems? 你 enjoy lab work? 你 want to invent or create? 你 like to learn languages? 你会在不同的专业做不同的工作——你想怎么花 你的时间?

一旦你缩小了你正在考虑的专业范围,看看 the requirements for 每一个 major/ minor. Try to map out a possible plan of study for 每一个. Be prepared to discuss your options with your advisor. Be ready to talk about some of the following questions. Which major/minor appeals to you most? How much time would this major/ minor take to complete. Does this hinder your ability to pursue 另一个机会,比如出国留学或其他大学项目



Advising by the Year

The First Year

  • 熟悉九州娱乐官网目录,包括分配学分 and important policies and procedures.
  • Take a range of courses who subject matter interests you. This can be related to your anticipated major or other academic interests.
  • 如果你已经知道你的学位课程或体验式学习项目,复习一下 项目要求表和/或体验项目要求.
  • 探索校园里各种各样的课外活动.

The Sophomore Year

  • 熟悉九州娱乐官网目录,包括分配学分 and important policies and procedures.
  • Take a range of courses who subject matter interests you. This can be related to your anticipated major or other academic interests.
  • 如果你已经知道你的学位课程或体验式学习项目,复习一下 项目要求表和/或体验项目要求.
  • 探索校园里各种各样的课外活动.

The Junior and Senior Year

  • 完成任何剩余的分配学分,并确保你正在完成 你的学位.
  • 努力完成你的专业,以及任何额外的专业或辅修。.
  • 接受非必需的体验式学习机会/实习或实习 探索你的学术兴趣,使你的技能和世界观多样化.
  • 如果你打算申请专业课程或研究生课程,那就自学一下 the requirements (e.g., academic course prerequisites, entrance exam, etc.)和工作 与职业发展中心合作撰写一份合适的简历或简历 追求能帮助你成为有竞争力的求职者的机会.



The Potential Benefits

这项研究的影响将是特别重要的学生在标题i资格 public schools, 相比之下,他们的成就差距和机会差距都很明显 to students at more affluent schools (勒布 & Bassok 2007, 博尔曼1996年).

有机会获得丰富的经验,如作家/插画家的访问 a range of associated costs从演讲费和差旅费到书籍和教学材料——这经常发生 put these experiences out of r每一个 for low-income students.

展示这些经历的好处和影响可以帮助许多学生, t每一个ers, administrators, grant writers, and literacy advocates 通过促进对未来扫盲计划的持续资助,并使其合法化 作为标准学习经验纳入学校课程.

This research will yield insights 这有助于教师最好地培养学生对阅读和终身的兴趣和参与 学习——同时打破学习差异是结果的说法 of unmotivated or disengaged learners.