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Graduation Requirements

Are you on the home stretch to Commencement? This page lays out the framework of the College-wide graduation requirements.

本页包含的信息旨在作为一个善意的指导方针,以帮助 students prepare for graduation. It is a supplement to the officially published Catalog requirements and policies. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the 在目录和本页所提供的资料中,必须理解 此处所述的所有学术信息可随时更改或删除 time without notice or published amendment. In addition, Washington College reserves 有权随时更新其政策或要求,无需事先通知. 学生和未来的学生承担依赖此类信息的任何风险 未经核查其他可靠来源的信息,如所提供的信息 由学生的学术顾问或教务处直接发给学生.

  1. 所有本科生必须累积至少128个学分. At least 这些学分中的56个必须在九州娱乐官网或wc管理的课程中完成 program (e.g. 在合作院校留学,获得批准的实习等.). 不满足128学分要求的学生可以申请 transfer 其他机构的课程作业,当课程值三个学分时 apiece. 修了一门三学分的转学课程的学生才有资格毕业 only 127 credit hours; a student with two or more such courses is eligible to graduate with only 126 credit hours. 注:学分减免政策只适用于在此之前进入WC的学生 the 2013-2014 Catalog year. Beginning with the 2013-2014 Catalog, all students must 无论获得多少转学学分,都要达到128学时.
  2. 学生必须在九州娱乐官网住校期间完成最后32个学分中的24个 or in a Washington College-administered program.
  3. All students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 rounded to the nearest hundredth. Washington College does not round up, thus a 1.99 cumulative GPA is below the acceptable standard. Further, a 2.00 is required for all courses counted towards a student’s major requirements. Students who are near these thresholds may find the GPA Calculation page a helpful resource.
  4. 在128个学时中,任何学生的成绩不得超过6个“D” graduation. 每增加一个“D”的分数,学生必须重修这门课程 获得更高的分数或为毕业提供额外的课程. For example, 7个“D”级至少需要132个学分,8个“D”级至少需要132个学分 of 136 credit hours, and so on. Further, no more than 2 of the total 6 “D” grades 可能是学生的主修课程,是为完成该专业而提出的 requirements. 如果学生在该专业中获得第三个“D”,他或她必须 要么重复课程,要么与系主任会面,找到合适的选择 for taking an additional course within the major.
  5. 所有学生必须完成适合自己的分配要求 entering class and the corresponding catalog year. The distribution requirements for all current Catalog years can be found on the Distribution Requirements page.
  6. 无论专业,所有学生都需要高级顶点经验(SCE). 学生应在大三最后一个学期与指导老师联系 每年要建立与专业相关的部门要求完成 SCE. 拥有双学位的学生应该计划与两位顾问交谈,以确保 compliance with each department’s SCE procedures. Although each student may complete 研讨会课程和其他sce预科课程作为专业的一部分,所有学生必须 注册并完成至少一门标有“SCE”指定的课程 in the final semester of the senior year.
  7. 所有学生将自动收到注册办公室的备忘录 三年级春季学期(或已修满72学分后) hours on their WC transcript). A copy is also sent to the student’s faculty advisor(s). 这封邮件将确定任何具体的大学范围内尚未完成的要求 学生必须在大四的注册表上填写.
  8. 计划在某一学年完成所有学位要求的学生, whether in the fall, spring or summer of that year, must apply to graduate by the deadline. By the end of November, the Registrar’s 办公室将邮寄毕业许可信给所有申请毕业的学生 在截止日期之前,随后的邮件将在12月和1月发送给那些 have specific deficiencies that have not yet been addressed. Once a student has been 经注册办公室批准后,他们仍然必须确认所有主修、辅修和 在指导老师的指导下完成了专注/专业要求.
  9. 在秋季学期结束前完成所有毕业要求的学生 包括完成SCE课程并取得及格成绩的学生,均可申请入学 eligible for Winter Conferral of their diploma. They will receive a specific memorandum indicating their eligibility for this special early conferral. Students who satisfy 他们在秋季的学位要求仍然需要参加所有的毕业典礼 exercises unless they request specific permission not to do so.
  10. 未能做到以上任何一项可能导致学生无法毕业 出席或参加与毕业典礼有关的任何及所有活动. Ineligible 注册办公室将通过使用 the Graduation Clearance letter process described above.
  11. 任何学生不得参加毕业典礼,除非有 met all of these requirements. 满足所有要求的截止日期不迟于周二下午4:30 before Commencement. 确保所有的学位、专业都是学生的责任 并且在预期毕业时达到了毕业要求 semester. 而教职员工、顾问、教务长和第一副院长 学年经验和学生成功是可以咨询和提供建议的 ultimate responsibility lies with each student.