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Transfer Credit

学院的转学分政策适用于新入学的转学生 and currently matriculated students at the College. This page outlines the policies and procedures for requesting transfer of credits in all situations. 访问 the Advanced Standing 页面上有关于获得大学先修课程(AP)学分的信息 学士学位(IB),大学水平考试计划(CLEP)或剑桥“A”和“AS”考试.

Transfer Credit Policy

学院为地区认可机构的课程提供学分转换 如果他们是标准的文科课程或其他类似的课程 of the College. Transfer credit is 只有 given for courses taken on a letter grade basis in which a final grade of “C-” or higher is earned. Courses taken on a Pass/Fail 基础或超过7年的可能不符合转让资格.

转学课程的成绩不计入学生的累积成绩 九州娱乐官网的平均绩点,学生也不能使用转学课程 to replace a grade already earned at Washington College.

一旦课程被接受并作为转学分处理,学生的 official WC transcript will include 只有 转学学院/大学的名称和获得的学分 in transfer. The transcript will not list the individual courses themselves. However, 为了提供建议,指导教师将有权查看这些个人 transfer courses and the grades earned.

Policy for Incoming Freshmen with Potential Transfer Credit

从高中进入九州娱乐官网的学生,他们为课程争取学分 高中时在大学拍摄的照片,或者是“双录取”的照片 在他们的高中和大学同时,应该有一个正式的副本 作为录取过程的一部分,他们的成绩单被送到招生办公室. 招生办公室将把这份成绩单提供给注册办公室 evaluation of potential transfer credits. Once the student matriculates, the Registrar’s 办公室将自动张贴这些学分和任何等同授予分配 or major/minor requirements.

九州娱乐官网入学前在国外获得的学分会被评估 根据具体情况,可能需要课程学分评估服务 agency at the student’s expense.

Policy for Incoming Transfer Students

Transfers with an A.A. degree from community colleges with whom Washington College 有“直接转学”协议的将被授予初级地位,但他们必须满足 all Distribution (general education) and Major requirements at the College; the Registrar 确定学生入学前需要完成哪些要求 at the College. A maximum of 72 credit hours can be accepted in transfer. Therefore, a minimum of 56 hours of credit must be taken at Washington College. Additionally, 最后八门课程(或相当于32学分)必须在华盛顿完成 大学或九州娱乐官网管理的课程,以满足最低毕业要求 standards. Exceptions to these rules can be granted on appeal to the Committee on Academic Standing and Advising.

从与九州娱乐官网没有“直接转学”协议的大学转学 协议,即使学生可能持有副学士学位,将有他们的 课程作业评估,并将根据总数授予适当的地位 number of credit hours accepted.

Washington College maintains the following “Direct Transfer” agreements:

  • Anne Arundel Community College – A.A. in Liberal Arts or General Studies
  • Carroll Community College – A.A. from Honors Program
  • Chesapeake College – A.A. in Liberal Arts or General Studies
  • Howard Community College – A.A. from Rouse Scholars Honors Program
  • Prince Georges Community College – A.A. from Honors Academy
  • Montgomery College – A.A. in General Studies or Transfer Studies

转校生必须符合九州娱乐官网的毕业要求 College Catalog that is current at the time they matriculate. All transfer students 将被要求遵守目录中列出的所有毕业要求,除非 noted otherwise. Students applying to transfer to Washington College should request 一份正式的成绩单被送到招生办公室进行审查 the admissions process. The Admissions Office will supply this transcript to the Registrar’s Office for an evaluation of potential transfer credits. Once the student matriculates, 注册办公室将自动张贴这些学分和任何等同授予 toward distribution or major/minor requirements.

Procedures for Currently Matriculated Students

学生试图加快他们的教育,在不到四年的毕业 必须注意积累适当数量的课程和所需的学分 graduation, which is generally 128 credit hours. For students planning to supplement 他们在九州娱乐官网的课程和其他机构的课程,如果可能的话, they should take courses worth four credit hours, i.e. the equivalent of one Washington College course, so as not to deviate from the four-course system. However, if a student 获得一门或两门课程的转学分,价值三个学分 学生将被允许在累积至少127或 126 credit hours (respectively). 

注意:此政策仅适用于在2013年目录之前入学的学生. 所有进入2013年目录或之后的学生必须累积至少128 学分,不管转学学分是否适用于他们的WC成绩单.

The procedure for obtaining transfer credit is as follows:

  1. 下载转学分申请表格(在学生表格页面上找到) Registrar’s 网站) or obtain a blank form in the Registrar’s Office.
  2. 与指导老师协商,确保所选课程的预先批准。 from the relevant department chair(s). It may be necessary to provide a course description or syllabus for the course(s). Each department sets its own policies about whether 批准在线授课或其他非传统形式课程的学分转换.
  3. 报名参加课程前,将填妥的表格交回教务处。.
  4. 学生可能需要申请进入其他学院或大学 they want to take the transfer course(s). If needed, the Registrar’s Office at Washington 学院会给其他机构写一封“信誉良好的信”,说明 the student has permission to take outside courses. To request this letter, complete 注册验证申请表(在注册主任的学生表格页面上找到) 网站).
  5. 完成课程后,学生应向学校索取正式成绩单 另一所学院或大学,并将其直接送到注册办公室 at Washington College. The transfer credit and the course grade will not be posted 在注册办公室收到学生的九州娱乐官网成绩单之前 已签署的转学分申请表和学校的正式成绩单 other college or university.