Gender-Based Violence Resources

打电话给410-699-0742 to contact the Sexual Assault Response Advocate hotline 和 talk with an advocate.  For all survivors, 和 friends of survivors, of sexual assault, dating violence 和 跟踪.


  • Sexual Assault Response Advocates

    24/7 Advocate Phone Number: 410-699-0742

    The Sexual Assault Response Advocates are for all survivors of sexual violence, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, etc 和 regardless of what kind of assault occurred. Advocates are trained 九州娱乐官网 staff 和 faculty. The advocate you talk to will be able to help you determine what your options are, 和 empower you to make the choice that is best for you. The advocates are there to listen, provide support 和 care, 和 give you the options that you have in order to move forward in your healing process.

    Please note, that while the Sexual Assault Response Advocates are here to help, they are not a confidential service. They do have an obligation to report to the Title IX Coordinator, but will not share with anyone else. For more information about Title 第九,检查一下 第九条.

    关于S有什么问题吗?.A.R.A. 可以寄到:


    Assistant Director for Student Engagement

    Sexual Assault Response Coordinator



  • 公共安全

    公共安全 is located in the lower level of the Casey Academic Center.


    Use this service if you would like to report the assault. You will be able to have a Sexual Assault Response Advocate or a For All Seasons Advocate with you.

  • 卫生服务


    Queen Anne House 410-778-7261
    Hours: M-F 8:30am-12pm & 1 pm-4:30pm

    卫生服务 is another confidential resource for victims of sexual violence. If you are worried about pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, 卫生服务 可以和你一起工作. 卫生服务 provides women’s contraceptive services, including emergency contraception, 和 testing for sexually transmitted infections.

  • 咨询服务

    Queen Anne House 410-778-7261

    Hours: M-F 8:30am-12pm & 1:00pm-4:30pm


    咨询服务 offers confidential support to help students who are experiencing any type of grief, stress, depression, anxiety, or problems with academic performance. The counselors also provide 咨询 services to victims of sexual violence, 和 those with relationship concerns 和 issues.  All services are provided without charge to the students 和 are confidential.



  • For All Seasons, Inc


    For All Seasons, Inc is a free 24-hour confidential service that provides crisis 和 on-going 咨询 和 support to survivors. Advocates are available to meet survivors at the hospital 和 support them during any time spent at the hospital.

  • Sexual Assault Forensic Exams & 治疗

    There are two hospitals you can use if you need treatment for anything related to the assault, such as STD testing, preventative measures such as emergency contraception, 和 other medical care.


    University of Maryl和 Shore Regional Health

    100 Brown Street, Chestertown, Maryl和 21620

    University of Maryl和 Shore Medical Center at Easton

    219 S. Washington Street, Easton, Maryl和 21601

    The University of Maryl和 Shore of Regional Health Medical Centers provides a separate 和 private treatment  room for patients who are victims of sexual assault. 安全 (Sexual Assault Forensic Examination) rooms are equipped with a special camera documentation 系统. SAFE room nurses have been specially trained to collect evidence while attending to the emotional 和 physical needs of patients who have been sexually assaulted. An advocate can be with you during your time at the hospital, which can be either a For All Seasons Advocate or a 九州娱乐官网 Sexual Assault Response Advocate.


  • Maryl和 Coalition Against Sexual Assault

    MCASA provides a comprehensive resources for victims of sexual assault.


  • Mid-Shore Council on 家庭 Violence

    24 Hour Hotline: 1-800-927-4673



    The Mid-Shore Council on 家庭 Violence provides a 24 hour hotline, crisis intervention, 咨询 & support, 和 shelter for victims of intimate partner violence.